Grey Low-Cut by Asos

I was thrilled to participate in the original traveling dress project in 2016. When the idea for each of us to form our own groups of 7-10 photographers for 2017 came up I was once again thrilled to participate.
I’m honored to have some amazing talent in my group. Abbie Rose, Emilie Iggiotti, Coleen Hodges, Kristen Kaiser, Mari Trancoso and Randi Kreckman are all exceptional at their craft. Follow all of these ladies work, you won’t be disappointed.
We choose a beautiful lavender/gray dress from ASOS.
Mari Trancoso
Website | Sterling, IL | Mari’s Blog Post | Instagram

Carol Merriman
Website | San Diego, CA | Carol’s Blog Post | Instagram

Abbie Rose Wilson
Website | BC, Canada | Abbie’s Blog Post | Instagram
Coleen Hodges
Website | Phoenix, AZ | Coleen’s Blog Post | Instagram

Kristen Kaiser
Website | Central, IL | Kristen’s Blog Post | Instagram

See more images from Kristen with the grey dress.

Artist and Photographer since 2013, specializing in Fine Art Portraiture for Wall Art located in Vancouver, WA, USA.